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On The Muse Album Cover

The On The Muse CD was released on The Cora-Linn Records label on 6th April 2013.

Buy On The Muse securely online from Birnam CD .

Buy downloads from On the Muse securely online from itunes.

hey you album cover

The Hey You CD was released on the Cora-Linn Records label in July 2004.

Buy Hey You securely online from MusicScotland or Footstompin Celtic Music.

voicecall album cover

The Voicecall CD was released on the Smiddymade label in 1999.

Buy Voicecall securely online from MusicScotland or Footstompin Celtic Music.

north of the border album cover

Allan’s 1989 North Of The Border album led to some of his songs being taken up by other performers including well known Irish band Craobh Rua who recorded The Shore ‘Neath the Tide on their 1997 CD Soh It Is. North Of The Border had folk rock leanings and a political protest theme.

To purchase, email Allan.